Technology Support Request

We'll help you get back up and running!

Please make a selection by clicking one of the links below

ON-SITE Technology Support

Support for when you are located WITHIN a School or Town Building. We have fully transitioned to our new work order system "Web Help Desk" . (Login with your windows username and password). Remember ,  You must be working within the schools or Town buildings in order for this link to work.  

Remote Support

For employees working from home please call 508-553-4816 for the Technology  Department General Mailbox.  We will have someone return your call ASAP.  Thank you .

Chromebook Replacement

For students grades 6-12

Chromebook replacement will be managed within your school buildings. 

  • Students in grades 6-8, please visit the front office to swap your take-home chromebook.

  • Students at the Franklin High School, please visit the media center to swap or repair your take-home chromebook.