Rules for Technology Use

Student and Family Responsibilities

Franklin Public Schools Rules for Technology Use:

  • I will respect and protect the privacy of others

  • I will use only assigned accounts

  • I will not view, use, or copy passwords, data, or networks that are  not authorized

  • I will not distribute private information about myself or others

  • I will respect the integrity, availability and security of all electronic resources

  • I will observe all security practices

  • I will report security risks or violations to my teacher or administrator

  • I will not destroy or damage data, network, or other resources

  • I will respect and protect the intellectual property of others

  • I will not infringe on copyrights

  • I will not plagiarize

  • I will follow all school rules and the code of conduct in school handbooks

  • I will not harass or cyber bully other students

  • I will not access, transmit, copy or create material that violates the school’s code of conduct

  • I will not use resources to initiate or further acts that are criminal or violate the school’s code of conduct.

  • I will not send spam, chain letters or other unsolicited mailings

  • I will not buy, sell, advertise or conduct business unless approved as a school project