Subcommittees and Liaisons

The Franklin School Committee utilizes a number of subcommittees to initially review, propose, and consider policies and issues that come before the Committee. The subcommittees bring these matters to the full School Committee for action. Only actions taken by the full School Committee become official policy. The current make-up of the subcommittees and their functions are outlined below.




Bills Review

Reviews bills for the district.

David Callaghan

Budget Subcommittee

Reviews, proposes, and considers matters pertaining to the school budget. They also participate as members of the town-wide Joint Budget Sub Committee.

David McNeill, Chair


Paul Griffith, KP Sompally

Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy Subcommittee

Reviews, proposes, and considers matters pertaining to communication with the community about school policies, issues, and programs.  Advocates on behalf of FPS


Al Charles, Chair


Eri Gallagher, Ruthann O'Sullivan

Payroll Review

Reviews district payroll.

David McNeill

Joint Parent Communication Council (PCC) Liaison 

Meets with Joint PCC groups and reports back to full Committee.

Al Charles



Policy Subcommittee

Reviews, proposes, and considers matters pertaining to policies and procedures in the Franklin Public Schools. This subcommittee also maintains the Policy Manual.

Ruthann O'Sullivan, Chair


David McNeill, Dave Callaghan

Review of Executive Session Minutes 

Reviews and considers matters pertaining to the release of executive session minutes to the public.

Dave Callaghan

Mental Health & Wellbeing Task Force Liaison

Formerly The Substance Abuse Task Force (SATF) Liaison is an ex-officio member of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Task Force. 

Ruthann O'Sullivan


School Wellness Advisory Council Liaison 

The School Wellness Advisory Council (SWAC) Liaison is an ex-officio member of the School Wellness Advisory Council. This committee establishes annual wellness goals for the district. The committee reviews data, conducts data collection and sponsors professional development programs for students, faculty, parents and the community.

KP Sompally



Superintendent's Evaluation


David McNeill, Chair

Paul Griffith

KP Sompally

MASC Liaison 

Advocates at the state level for schools.

David McNeill

Comprehensive School Facilities Planning Subcommittee

The subcommittee will analyze data sources and forecast space utilization to comprehensively review Franklin's school facilities' needs

David Callaghan, Chair


Al Charles, Erin Gallagher