In-District Programs

IDEAS Program
(Independence, Driven, Esteem, Academics, Social Communication)
Mission Statement:
The IDEAS program provides an environment of structured, multi-sensory instruction addressing all areas of language development throughout the school day. Students in the IDEAS program are held to high educational expectations based on curriculum standards. Necessary supports are provided to students in order to develop their skills in the areas of receptive and expressive language (both oral and written) across curriculum areas as well as within the areas of social pragmatics and social communication for the purpose of increasing self-esteem and working toward independence and success in inclusive settings.
REACH Program (REsiliency and ACHievement)
Mission Statement:
The REACH Program offers students a safe and structured continuum of therapeutic supports and specialized instruction to foster social-emotional growth across all settings while accessing rigorous academic experiences. The REACH Program explicitly teaches positive self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making to promote independence and personal success.
GOALS Program
Generalization Of Academics, Language, Social Skills
Mission Statement:
The GOALS program is designed to provide an educational environment in which students with Autism and related disabilities learn academic, communication, and social skills needed to be contributing members of the school and community. A primary focus of the program is to build independence in the areas of communication and social skills necessary to access curricula and social opportunities in the general education setting. Students’ individualized needs are met through a transdisciplinary approach using evidence-based teaching practices.
STRIVE Program
Mission Statement
The STRIVE Program provides an environment of consistent educational and behavioral support. Students are provided with access to a modified curriculum in order to allow each student to develop to their maximum potential at their own pace. Skill development in this program focuses on communication, functional academics, social pragmatics, activities of daily living, motor skills, sensory processing, and vocational skills for the purpose of working toward independence and success with school, home, and the community at large. Academic instruction and related services, as identified by each student’s individualized educational program, are provided through a transdisciplinary approach utilizing evidence-based practices. In addition, the program provides ongoing opportunities for meaningful inclusion and generalization of learned skills. The STRIVE continuum includes programming for students from preschool through 22. Once a student enters the Strive post high school program their classroom will be the community where they can continue to develop independence and employment skills.
SAIL Program
(Social Skills Academics Inclusion Language)
Mission Statement
SAIL is a program designed for students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder with average to high cognitive profiles. The goal of the program is to provide multidisciplinary instruction, exposure, and practice in students' goal areas that allow students to gain the necessary skills they need to be successful after graduation.
Essential Standards Program
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Essential Standards program is to assist students with disabilities in developing the skills necessary to meet graduation requirements through a partial inclusion program that balances small group instruction in ELA and Math with instruction in the inclusion environment, utilizing a modified curriculum based on entry points to the state standards.
ACHIEVE Program (Accumulating Confidence tHrough Independence Education and Vocational Employment)
The ACHIEVE transition program is designed to meet the needs of students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who have attended public high school, and have passed the MCAS or a student that has not passed MCAS but are able to work on functional academics or at an internship with moderate support that will gradually fade. All participants will have spent at least 4 years in high school and/or be at least 18 years of age. The focus of services will emphasize learning communication, decision-making, self-advocacy, interpersonal, personal management, social skills, career or vocational, and recreation or leisure skills in integrated community settings. Students will have access to public resources and facilities, and they will have vocational opportunities, according to their skills and interests. A portion of the student’s day will be spent in work settings, recreation or leisure environments, or other community settings in which independent living skills may be enhanced. ACHIEVE will also negotiate with local colleges to create opportunities (as available) for our students to participate in on-campus activities that relate to the goals of the ACHIEVE program. The amount of time each student may spend in any environment will be individually determined based on his/her specific needs.