About Us

David Callaghan, Chair

David Callaghan, Chair

Email David Callaghan, Chair

I'm a proud dad of two wonderful kids who attend schools here in Franklin. I hold a Master's
degree in Public Administration and have spent the last 15 years working in the public sector. In
2021, I began serving on the School Committee, where I've had the privilege of chairing the
Policy Subcommittee and serving on the Budget Subcommittee. Following this most recent
election, I have the honor of serving as the Chair of the Franklin School Committee.
My wife and I moved to Franklin to start a family, and we chose this community because of the
amazing school system. I am committed to continuing the tradition of excellence in education for
all students in Franklin.

David McNeill, Vice Chair

David McNeill, Vice Chair

Email David McNeill, Vice Chair

Dave McNeill grew up in Franklin and graduated from Franklin High in 2009. He attended
Framingham State University for undergrad and the University of Mannheim in Germany for
graduate school. Since returning to Franklin in 2017, he has also served as a board member of
the Franklin Education Foundation and the Vice Chair of the Community Preservation
Committee. He has worked at the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 2019 in
various positions with his current role being Chief of Staff for a state representative. Since
2021, he has served on the Franklin School Committee since 2021 and has been Vice Chair
since the beginning of this current term.

Al Charles

Al Charles

Email Al Charles

Al Charles has been a Franklin resident since 2009. He has two children in Franklin Public
Schools; Annie Sullivan Middle School & Helen Keller Elementary School. Al has spent the
majority of his career in various roles in the Telecommunications industry since 2003. He has
served as a member of the Franklin School Committee since 2021. Al is currently the chair of
the Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy Subcommittee, a member of the
Comprehensive School Facilities Planning Subcommittee, and the Joint Parent Communication
Council (PCC) Liaison.

Erin Gallagher

Erin Gallagher

Email Erin Gallagher

I am the Executive Director & Co-Founder of the Children’s Museum of Franklin, a new
501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Franklin, MA and the surrounding region. Through the
Museum, I’m working to build an interactive and imaginative space where children and families
can come together to discover, imagine, and grow. My background is in marketing and
communications and, in the course of my career, I’ve touched a variety of industries and a
spectrum of marketing-related functions.
I am a member of the Franklin Master Plan Committee, the president of Franklin Area Moms, a
local parent support organization, and a volunteer foster care case reviewer for the Department
of Children and Families.
Most importantly, I am mom to three wild and wonderful kiddos: seven, five and three.

Paul Griffith

Paul Griffith

Email Paul Griffith

Paul Griffith was born and raised in Trenton, NJ. He received two bachelor degrees (B.S. in
Genetics and B.S. in Microbiology) from Clemson University and a PhD from the University of
Georgia in Molecular Genetics. He completed his post-doc at the National Cancer Institute
studying CRISPR therapies for immunodeficiencies before moving to Franklin where he works in
the biotech sector (cell and gene therapy). He has three children, two currently in the Franklin
Public Schools and one who will be joining the class of 2040.

Ruthann O'Sullivan

Ruthann O'Sullivan

Email Ruthann O'Sullivan

I'm a mom of two great kids that currently attend Horace Mann Middle School here in Franklin. I
have been active with the PCC, assisting with fundraising and running events. I was also a
volunteer at FPS during the post-covid 'cohorts', helping out while Franklin kids transitioned
back to school full time.
My degree is in business management. I attended UMass Amherst's Isenberg School of
Business, as well as becoming a certified paralegal at Northeastern University. My career has
focused on business development, and I have developed operational strategies for finance,
legal and engineering firms. The most unique experience of my career, however, was hosting a
'cohort' of students in my home as we navigated covid. During that time I assisted 5 children
ranging from K-5 with their virtual schooling. That experience really increased my appreciation
for educators. Those who take in hundreds of our children each day, and then work tirelessly to
connect with each individual in order to bring out their best. I want to empower our educators to
use their passion and creativity to impact our children's future by providing the resources and
direction for them to do their best work.
I have most recently become a fierce advocate for the adequate funding of our school budget. I
am committed to bringing people together by working with other elected leaders in town in order
to ensure our school district is stable and resilient during this systemically challenging time in

KP Sompally

KP Sompally

Email KP Sompally

KP Sompally (Krishna Prasad Sompally), the father of two boys—the younger one currently a
student at FHS and the elder one a 2021 FHS graduate—along with his wife, has been a
resident of Franklin since 2008. I am an engineer with a deep appreciation for robust
I am a new member of the Franklin School Committee and have previously served on the
Franklin Design Review Commission. My experiences all share a common thread - a passion for
During my 20+ year career in IT, I have obtained extensive experience in project management,
execution and budgeting. I hope to bring that experience to the SC and help in any way that I
I am a two-time recipient of the Presidential Award, the Boston Mayor's Award, and the Boston
Cares Award for voluntary service. I am bilingual in English and Telugu, proficient in Hindi, and
have some knowledge of Tamil.