Public Records Access Policy 2023
2-16-2023 Public Records Access Policy
Revised February 16, 2023
Public Records Access Officers
The Public Records Access Officers for the Town of Franklin are the Town Administrator and/or the Operations Assistant to the Town Administrator. The Public Records Access Officers for the Town of Franklin School Department are the Superintendent of Schools and/or the Assistant Superintendent of Schools.
The contact information is as follows for the Town of Franklin:
Jamie Hellen Julie McCann
Town Administrator Operations Assistant to the Town Administrator
355 East Central Street 355 East Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038-1352 Franklin, MA 02038-1352
Phone: 508-520-4949 Phone: 508-520-4949
Email Jamie Hellen Email Julie McCann
The contact information is as follows for the Town of Franklin Public School District:
Lucas Giguere Paula Marano
Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
355 East Central Street 355 East Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038-1352 Franklin, MA 02038-1352
Phone: 508-553-4819 Phone: 508-553-4819
Email: Email:
Requests for public records may be made orally in person or in writing via letter or email to any one of the Public Records Access Officers. Public records requests will not be accepted by telephone. Town related inquiries should be directed to the Town’s Records Access Officers. School related inquiries should be directed to the Public School District Access Officers.
Good Faith Customer Service
In an effort to provide expeditious customer service, simple and reasonable records requests may be accessible at the department level upon request. If a Town Department receives a records request, the respective department shall make an effort to fulfill the request if it’s simple, reasonable and can be easily produced by the department as part of regular business workflow. If the request requires more than one-half hour of staff time to collect requested records the department shall notify the Records Access Officers of such request for direction.
The Public Records Access Officers shall determine if there are any fees associated with a request.
The Town Attorney will track and record all public record requests for any mandatory reporting purposes for town department requests. The Superintendent’s Office will track and record all public record requests for any mandatory reporting purposes for school department requests.
All town and school staff should be familiar with the exemptions to the definition of “public records” contained in the Public Records Law.
Records Retention
The Town of Franklin and the School Department shall follow the Secretary of State’s Municipal Records Retention Manual for guidelines to minimize records storage costs to the Town.
Helpful Resources
Massachusetts Public Records Law -
Public Records Law exemptions -
Code of Massachusetts Regulation (CMR) 950 CMR 32 Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Municipal Records Retention Manual -
Lucas Giguere
Superintendent of School