KF-E3 - Facility Rental Fee Schedule

Franklin Public Schools

(All Schools except Franklin High School)

Facility Rental Fee Schedule without Personnel Costs

Effective:  July 1, 2018


Hourly Rates

Regular Classroom


Small Gyms

( Oak St, Davis Thayer, Helen Keller, JFK,

Parmenter, Jefferson)



Large Gyms

(Horace Mann, Annie Sullivan, Remington)


Cafeteria w/o Kitchen Use


Cafeteria with Kitchen Use

(Plus kitchen cost)


Keller/Sullivan Cafeteria (AC)


Keller/Sullivan Cafeteria (AC)

(Plus kitchen cost)




Technology Labs**






Thomas Mercer Auditorium++


** Technology labs are unavailable for non-school use, except when used as part of any Franklin Public Schools Lifelong Learning Program.   Minimum service charge for Technology Supervisor is 1 hour.  Additional invoicing for supplies and materials (paper, CD’s, ink cartridges, etc.) may be required.

++Thomas Mercer Auditorium includes the use of the Band Room.  Band room is not available for rental separate from the Auditorium.


Hourly Rates

Custodial / Facilities

$45 / hour


$28 / hour


$35 / hour

Thomas Mercer Auditorium at HM Supervision / Technician Fee


$50 / hour

To estimate personnel costs:

Example:  Event that runs for 4 hours.  Estimated custodial cost could be:  5.5 hours x $45 = $247.50.

Must have custodian on site ½ hour before and at least ½ hour after event

Any questions regarding charges, please call/email Building Use Coordinator at:

508-541-2140 X1002 or via email. 


Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee:  7/28/15

Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee:  5/22/2018

Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee:  12/13/2022