KF-E1 - Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations


  1. Use of a school facility/grounds shall be granted only within the limits prescribed in M.G.L. c. 71: 71 and preference will be given to organizations located within the town.  In addition, there are certain restrictions upon the use of school property and the building. User is solely responsible for the fulfillment of the regulations of the following:

a. State Department of Public Safety codes and regulations;

b. State and Local laws, codes, and regulations;

c.  Federal, State, and Local finance laws and regulations; 

d.  Massachusetts General Laws;

e.  Any affiliated or unaffiliated student groups, teams, and organizations shall complete and submit annually a statement of acknowledgment of the MA Anti-Hazing Law and All School Committee policies and procedures.


  1. The building user is responsible for personal injuries and damage to the school property which arises out of the building/grounds use.  Insurance coverage is required for all organizations.  Such insurance shall provide coverage against personal injury and property damage and shall include a provision holding the Town of Franklin harmless against any such claim.  Documentation of insurance coverage will be submitted with payment at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event or season to the Building Use Coordinator. Certificate of insurance must list the “Town of Franklin” as an additional insured.

  2. At the discretion of the Superintendent or their designee, police protection shall be furnished by organizations using the buildings/grounds when open to the public.  The School Department will confirm with the police department that a detail has been assigned.  If appropriate police detail is not obtained by the user, the user may be denied use of the facility/grounds. The officer is to be paid by the organization holding the permit.

  3. All requests for building/grounds usage should be directed to the Building Use Coordinator, who first determines availability of the facility/grounds for the date(s)/times requested.  If the requested space is available, the Building Use Coordinator will then forward it to the building Principal of the school where space is being requested.  Requests for use of school facilities/grounds shall be made on forms that are available in the office of the Building Use Coordinator and on the school district web site.  The Central Office Administration shall maintain a calendar of usage and handle all billing and receivables.  Requests shall be honored on a first‑come‑first‑served basis, and follow a timeline consistent with the following:

a. Any school-sponsored or school-related event (including PCC activities which benefit the schools) may be booked up to 12 months in advance;

b. Franklin Public Schools Lifelong Learning programs may be booked up to 8 months in advance; and

c. All other activities may be booked up to 6 months in advance.


Any applications for building/grounds use submitted in advance of the deadlines shall be returned to the sender, and must be re-submitted in accordance with the timetable set forth above.


  1. Preference for school building/grounds use shall be given in the following order:

  1. School functions and school‑based activities involving Franklin students;

  2. Franklin Public Schools Lifelong Learning programs;

  3. Any function or activity of a town‑based organization where the majority of the participants are enrolled full‑time in the Franklin Public School System.

  4. Meetings and activities of Town boards and departments.

  5. Franklin‑based organizations

  6. All non-profit organizations[1].

  7. All for profit other organizations.


  1. When school buildings/grounds are used for a purpose other than for school use, additional expenses, including heating, lighting and other operating expenses (wear and tear) are incurred by the public school system, the following shall be used to determine building use fees:


  1. Use of School Buildings/Grounds:  School facilities, are available to all groups for a fee which covers expenses associated with the use thereof. The music and band rooms are unavailable for non-school use.  A fee will be charged for the use of all school facilities unless the activity is exempted herein.   All activities at the schools shall cease prior to 10:00 p.m., unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been approved by the Superintendent. 

  2. Thomas Mercer Auditorium at Horace Mann Middle School: Fees will be charged for the use of the auditorium.  All activities at the auditorium shall cease prior to 10:00 p.m. in addition, any group seeking to use this facility shall enter into a Facility Rental Agreement which contains additional rules and regulations governing the use of that facility.  To use the auditorium, the user must employ a district approved technician to operate sound and lighting equipment.

  3. Technology labs: Technology labs are unavailable for non-school use, except when used as part of any Franklin Public Schools Lifelong Learning program.

  4. School property: Is available only when a regular school custodian is employed to supervise and to protect the building.  In the absence of an administrator, the senior building custodian shall have full authority and responsibility for the security of the building and its contents.  The custodians are to be paid at the rate set forth in the FPS facilities rental fee schedule.  The charge for Custodial Services will at no time be waived for organizations that do not fall into the category of exemptions from rental charges.

  5. The School Committee has determined the rates to be charged based upon the following classifications:


  1. Class A: Week rates when school is in session and a custodian is regularly assigned to the facility.  In these instances, there is a facility rental fee.  Custodial fees may be charged if the building usage requested requires the services of a custodian outside of their normal hours and duties.

In cases where audiovisual and lighting equipment is required, the user shall pay the district-approved technician.



  1. Class B: Weekend and non-school days when a custodian is not regularly assigned to the facility.  Custodial rates will apply and there is a facility rental fee.  In cases where audiovisual and lighting equipment is required, the user shall pay the district-approved technician.

  2. Exemptions from fees:  School or Town business activities, including election activities, meetings of elected bodies, or PCC and booster events which benefit the schools are exempt from building use fees (other than associated cafeteria, custodial, or audiovisual fees).


  1. Payment procedures


  1. All payments must be made by check or money order, and full payment shall be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event or season.  In cases where long-term use is needed, the Superintendent or their designee has the discretion to set up a reasonable payment plan or schedule with the user.

  2. Total charges for rental, including the payment of custodial or cafeteria employees shall be paid by check made out to the Town of Franklin

  3. Police are required for all non-school events with an estimated attendance exceeding 100 or when deemed necessary by the Superintendent or their designee.  The renter is required to contact the police department to secure the police detail.  Documentation of the detail must be provided to the Building Use Coordinator prior to the final approval of rental agreement.  It is the responsibility of the renter to pay for the police detail.  The cost of the police detail is not included in the rental fee.     

  4. All checks or money orders covering rental, custodial or cafeteria employees, shall be sent to the office of the Building Use Coordinator, Office of the Superintendent of Schools.

  5. A security deposit may be required in conjunction with the facility/grounds rental, depending upon the space and equipment required.  This decision will be made when a request for rental is received.  The School Committee reserves the right to use such deposit to defray the cost of any damages resulting from use of its facilities/grounds.


  1. School Department furniture or equipment shall not be used or moved from its locations unless permission has been explicitly granted.  Any group which receives permission to move furniture is responsible for returning it to its original location and in good order.

  2. Groups who utilize school property will be responsible for treating the property with respect.  They will be responsible to repair or replace damaged equipment or property or make restitution for the same.

  3. Groups using school property will be expected to observe school rules including refraining from parking in Fire Safety Lanes or anywhere other than designated parking spaces.  The school department reserves the right to tow any vehicle illegally parked at owner’s expense, and the building user shall notify its participants of the policy.


  1. School kitchens and the high school café are available only when proper cafeteria employees are employed (at an additional expense) to supervise and protect the interests of the Franklin Public Schools except for functions sponsored by and directly benefitting the Franklin Public Schools. Additionally, FHS concession stands may require cafeteria staffing if users are not serve-safe trained.  This worker is to be paid by the organization using rates as established in the contract between the School Committee and the cafeteria employees union.   Only cafeteria workers are able to utilize school kitchen equipment. However, when the kitchen area is being used solely for making coffee or punch, it will not be necessary to have a cafeteria worker present.


  1. It is the policy of the Franklin Public Schools not to lend school materials and equipment to individuals or groups.

  2. There is to be no smoking in the buildings or on the grounds of the Franklin Public Schools in accordance with the Franklin Public Schools No Smoking Policy.

  3. Pets are not allowed in school buildings or school grounds at activities or events.  Consistent with the law and School Committee Policy, service animals that are trained to work with individuals with disabilities are permitted on school premises.

  4. Alcoholic beverages and /or illegal substance are not allowed on any school premises.

  5. Soft drinks and food may be served and consumed only in those areas approved on the application form.  All food and beverages must be served and consumed in the cafeteria in all buildings having these facilities.  When a function is held in the Thomas Mercer Auditorium at Horace Mann, or a school gym, the serving of refreshments will be restricted to the main lobby or cafeteria.  Additional clean-up charges may be assessed if compliance is problematic.

  6. The building/grounds user must satisfy the office of the Building Use Coordinator and Director of Facilities, Grounds and Support Services, that the person designated by the building user to operate the lighting, audiovisual, curtains, drops, scenery, etc. is trained to do so.  A qualified individual shall be engaged to operate the stage.   The Building Use Coordinator and Director of Facilities shall maintain a list of trained individuals qualified to operate such equipment.  At any facility that has audiovisual and/or lighting equipment for the event (including rehearsals and performances), the user must employ an operator approved and provided by the Superintendent of Schools or their designee at the user’s expense.  Any additional equipment, lighting, and/or audio equipment must first be approved by the Superintendent of schools or their designee.

  7. Equipment of the building/grounds user, such as scenery and furniture, may not be moved into or out of the building during school hours (which includes after-school clubs and activities).  All decorations, furniture, rubbish, and all other materials used in school buildings shall be removed immediately after the completion of any function.  All decorations must be fire resistant and meet all applicable fire and building codes.  In addition, any and all equipment must be moved at the discretion of the building principal, if and when it interferes with any school use.  Further, fire exits shall not be blocked by stage ramps and/or other equipment of the user.

  8. No electrical apparatus shall be connected to the lighting system unless inspected and approved by the Facilities Department.

  9. On days when school has been canceled because of emergency conditions, the school buildings/grounds may not be available. All scheduled use will automatically be canceled unless the renter contacts the school being rented to confirm the availability of the school.  Additional charges may be incurred if snow removal is required to accommodate building/grounds use.

  10. The Franklin Public Schools will not be responsible for the cancellation of an application for the use of school property in case of an emergency that results in the closing of a school building/grounds.

  11. In all cases where gymnasiums are used for athletic purposes, participants are required to wear athletic shoes.

  12. All use of school facilities, which is beyond the scope of the curricular and

extra‑curricular activities of the Franklin Public Schools, must be accompanied by a Building Use Permit issued by the school department following the written approval of a Request for Use of School Facilities Form.  The permit must be available and conspicuously posted in conjunction with the building use.


  1. The sponsor identified on the permit must be present throughout the time the facilities/grounds are being used unless previous notice has been furnished to the School Department that a cosponsor will be present.  The sponsor is responsible for the decorum of the group, which includes spectators.

  2. All Request for Use of School Facilities Forms must be signed by the Principal, Building Use Coordinator, Head Custodian, and the Director of Facilities, Grounds and Support Services.

  3. Additional charges will be billed to the requesting organization by the Building Use Coordinator as soon as possible after the final date of use. Payment is required within thirty calendar (30) days. Remits who are chronically late with building use payments may be assessed up to $100 late fee per late invoice.

  4. The custodian on duty shall be responsible for the supervision of the building/grounds and equipment, safety precautions in the building, cleaning of the building after its use, and for any services required by the renter in accordance with the use of the facilities approved.

  5. It is the custodian’s responsibility to the renter to make inquiries as to the type of service needed by the renter and to make their whereabouts known so that he will be available at any time their services are required. Depending upon the nature of the rental and the area being rented, the School Department may require the renter to have two or more custodians on duty, in addition to police protection.   If the work involves breakdown and/or set-up of equipment or facilities beyond the hours of use, then additional custodial fees shall apply (to be determined by the Building Use Coordinator in conjunction with facilities management at time of rental).

  6. No use by the public that will interfere in any way with use of school facilities for school purposes will be permitted.



LEGAL REF:               M.G.L. 71:71

                                    M.G.L. 269:17-19


CROSS REF:              Franklin School Committee Policies JICFA, JICFA-E, JICFA-E1


Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee:  7/28/15

Reviewed, Revised, Adopted by School Committee: 11/12/19


[1]  Each such organization must produce a 501(c)(3) letter in order to qualify.