KF - Community Use of School Facilities
Community Use of School Facilities
The School Committee of Franklin believes that the greater use of school buildings and grounds (e.g. fields, tennis courts, tracks, etc.) is in the best interests of the community, but that their general use should not be in competition with privately owned facilities. Along those lines, the Franklin Public Schools are not available for ongoing, profit-making or business ventures. The Franklin School Committee permits responsible organizations (where the main purpose is to benefit the citizens of Franklin) the use of school buildings/grounds to the extent that there is no interference with the educational programs and the safety of all students, and that the event is open to the general public. Aside from elections, school space is not rented while school is in session. The control of school buildings/grounds and equipment is by law vested in the School Committee and the administration of the Rules and Regulations governing the buildings/grounds is delegated to the Superintendent of Schools or their designee. The Superintendent of Schools or their designee has the ultimate authority to approve or deny any request for building or grounds use by an organization or group.
LEGAL REF: M.G.L. 71:71
M.G.L. 269:17-19
CROSS REF: Franklin School Committee Policies JICFA, JICFA-E, JICFA-E1
Reviewed, revised, adopted: 5/24/11
Reviewed, no revisions 3/26/13
Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee: 7/28/15
Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee: 11/12/19