JQA - Financial Assistance Policy
Financial Assistance Policy
While the Franklin School Committee has found it necessary to institute fees for various school programs and activities, the Committee strongly believes that all students should have the opportunity to participate in curricular and extracurricular activities regardless of economic circumstances. As a result, financial assistance for school-related fees is made available to students who qualify through the centralized application process. The goals of this application process are:
1) To establish an objective financial assistance program for all students and families;
2) To allow families a single point of contact and status determination within the School District;
3) To adhere to a standard of confidentiality throughout the District;
4) To avoid any violation of the USDA School Lunch program by using Free and Reduced Lunch applications without authorization to determine eligibility for assistance for programs other than Food Services and Transportation.
NOTE: Students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch status may complete an Information Sharing Agreement with the District to authorize FPS to use a student’s Free/Reduced status for waivers of school program fees except preschool. Families seeking financial assistance for preschool tuition must complete this application. Families who sign the Information Sharing Agreement do not have to complete this application in order to receive financial assistance. Under Massachusetts General Law, a student who qualifies for a Free or Reduced lunch automatically qualifies for a waiver of the transportation fee.
Financial assistance is offered system wide to eligible families and covers certain district-level program fees (transportation, athletics, extracurricular fees, and preschool tuitions.) While financial assistance may be granted according to income guidelines, a minimum non-refundable registration or participation fee may be required for fee-based activities and programs. Additionally, financial assistance for preschool tuition will be capped at the discretion of the Superintendent in consultation with the School Committee and based on the budgetary impact for the fiscal year as well as programmatic expenses and space availability.
The amount of financial assistance that a family may qualify for is based on the total household income as it relates to the Federal Poverty Guideline in any given year. The following table is how the amount of financial assistance is determined:
Household Income Relative to Federal Poverty Guideline | Determination Status | Family Will Pay: |
At or below 1.3 times the Poverty Guideline | 90% fee reduction for preschool only | 10% of the preschool program fee |
1.5 times the Poverty Guideline | 75% fee reduction | 25% of the program fee |
2 times the Poverty Guideline | 50% fee reduction | 50% of the program fee |
2.5 times the Poverty Guideline | 25% fee reduction | 75% of the program fee |
The district’s Financial Assistance Program is based on the US Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines. The US Department of Agriculture also uses these guidelines to determine the Free and Reduced Lunch eligible income levels. The district expanded the poverty level by a multiplier to better match Franklin’s income level and assist families whose income is greater than those established by the Free and Reduced Lunch Guidelines. To access the Federal Poverty Guidelines, click on the following link:
To access the Financial Assistance Application, please go to the Franklin Public Schools website and click on the Financial Assistance Information link. HERE
This Franklin Public Schools Financial Assistance Program does not include:
Tuition-based programs other than Preschool. (ie. Solutions, Music Academy, Summer programs, Summer Athletics, etc.).
Student clubs and activities that have additional fees such as ski club, class dances, senior week activities, yearbook purchases, and athletic wear (other than uniforms), etc.
Student travel programs, including overnight trips. (Curricular field trips that take place during the school day in conjunction with classroom instruction shall be at no cost to students/families.)
PSAT, SAT, AP Exams and other fees charged by outside organizations.
Fines for lost or damaged books, IDs, chromebooks, or other fines.
Financial assistance for school-level expenses may be available for the above programs.
Financial assistance at the building level is at the sole discretion of the school Principal/Program Director based on (1) eligibility determined by the Business Office and (2) the availability of funds, which are typically limited. Parents must check with the Principal/Program Director on the availability of funds for each fee reduction or waiver request.
Adopted by School Committee: 6/26/2018
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee: 11/10/20