JLCA - Physical Examinations of Students


Pursuant to state law, students will be screened for hearing, vision and scoliosis.  A record of the results will be maintained by the school nurse.

Every student must present the results of a general physical examination four times: upon entering school (Kindergarten) and upon admittance to the fourth, seventh, and tenth grades.  The results of examinations will be a basis for determining what corrective measures or modifications of school activities, if any, should be recommended.  A record of all examinations and recommendations will be maintained by the school nurse while the student attends Franklin Public Schools.

All students participating in an inter-scholastic athletic activity shall obtain a physical examination in accordance with state law.  This examination must take place within 13 months of the start of the sport season.  The examination must be performed by a physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner.  Sports physicals may be scheduled with the school physician as appropriate.  Additionally, candidates for school athletic teams must comply with the District’s concussion policy by completing necessary forms and training.

Whenever the school nurse finds a child suffering from any medical concern, the school nurse will contact the parent/guardian to discuss actions to be taken and the nurse will document accordingly.

The school nurse will make a monthly report to the Director of Pupil Personnel Services of the number of students examined; the number excluded; and the number recommended for treatment or special adjustment of work.  In all cases of exclusion or recommendation, the causes will be included in the report.

LEGAL REFS.:            M.G.L. 71:53;-71:54; 71:56; 71:57

CROSS REF.:             JF, School Admissions

Reviewed, revised:  10/16/12

Reviewed, no revisions 4/26/17