JF - School Admissions
School Admissions
All children of school age who reside in the town will be entitled to attend the public schools. In addition, children from out of town may enroll in Franklin Public Schools if the School Committee adopts the School Choice option.
Parents are required to present copies of transfer records from previous schools at the time of registration. Exceptions may be made as a result of the Principal's contact with the Principal of the previous school, prior to local receipt of the students’ official records.
Advance registration for prospective kindergarten students will take place each spring. Every student seeking admission to school for the first time must present a birth certificate or equivalent proof of age acceptable to the Registration Team/Principal and proof of vaccination and immunizations as required by the state and the School Committee. Proof of residency will be required.
LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 15:IG; 76:1; 76:5; 76:15; 76:15A
CROSS REF.: JFBB, Inter-District School Choice
JHD, Denial of Admission from School Attendance
Reviewed, no revisions 2/7/12
Reviewed, no revisions 8/18/16