JEA-E - Entrance Age Exhibit
Entrance Age Exhibit
Request for Grade Acceleration/Procedure
Parent/Guardian makes formal request to the Superintendent of Schools/designee
Superintendent refers to the Assessment Team
Assessment Team meets with Parents
Assessment Procedure
Team conducts a Cognitive/IQ Assessment
If initial cognitive assessment reveals the students’ IQ is in the range of 115-130 the team will complete full assessment.
If the cognitive assessment reveals the students’ IQ is below 115 further assessment will not be recommended and the age appropriate placement will be implemented.
Full Assessment Battery
For students recommended to participate in a full assessment the areas of assessment will include:
Developmental Assessment/School History
Parent Interview
Student Observation in Educational Setting
Evaluation of Student Ability, Aptitude and Achievement
Evaluation of Social Skills
Decision Making Process
The team will review all data and a decision will be made
Decision will be shared with parent
All decisions are final
Assessment Team and School Personnel will collaborate with parents and student to transition student into recommended school program.
Reviewed, no revisions 2/7/12
Reviewed, no revisions 8/18/16