IHAMA - Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
In accordance with state and federal law, the District shall provide age-appropriate, developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention programs.
The drug and alcohol education prevention program shall address the legal, social, and health consequences of drug and alcohol use. It shall include special instruction as to the effects upon the human system; the emotional, psychological and social dangers of such use with emphasis on nonuse by school age children and the illegal aspects of such use. The program also shall include information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol.
The objectives of this program stem from the belief that prevention requires education, and that the most important aspect of the policies and guidelines of the District should be the education of each individual to the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
To create an awareness of the total drug problem-prevention, education, treatment, rehabilitation, and law enforcement on the local, state, national and international levels.
To relate the use of drugs and alcohol to physical, mental, social and emotional practices.
To develop the student's ability to make intelligent choices based on facts and to develop the courage to stand by one's own convictions.
To understand the personal, social and economic problems causing the misuse of drugs and alcohol.
To develop an interest in preventing illegal use of drugs in the community.
LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:1
Reviewed, no revisions: 3/9/16