ADF - Wellness Policy

Wellness Policy

The mission of the Franklin Public Schools is to provide the environment and resources which enable all students to achieve success in reaching their emotional, intellectual, and physical potential.

The Franklin Public Schools will:

  • Ensure that all students have access to healthy food choices during the school day.

  • Provide a pleasant dining environment for students and staff.

  • Allow a minimum of 20 minutes for students to eat lunch and socialize in the designated cafeteria/dining area.

  • Endeavor to enable all students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy food choices for a lifetime.

  • In an effort to promote health and wellness, the Franklin Public Schools will review how nutritious food choices can be incorporated into the curriculum.

  • Teachers and staff will not use food as a reward or punishment for students. When food is used in the classroom as part of the academic program, all foods shall comply with the competitive food standards listed below.

  • Ensure all personnel review School Committee Policy JLCDD Managing Life- Threatening Food Allergies in the Educational Environment annually.

  • Promote and facilitate the practice of making good nutritional choices through a plan that focuses on reducing access to non-nutritional items and educating students about healthy foods.

  • Ensure that marketing on the school campus will be limited to those products that are allowed to be sold according to the district’s nutrition standards for competitive foods.

School Meals Program:

Foods or beverages provided as part of the National School Breakfast Program, or the National School Lunch Program shall comply with Federal Guidelines. Nutrition services policies and guidelines for reimbursable meals shall not be more restrictive than federal and state regulations require.  Menus will be planned with input from students, family members, and other school personnel and should consider students’ cultural norms and preferences. The district will purchase local foods and source fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers where practical, when available, and when prices fall within budgetary constraints.  The healthiest choices, such as salads and fruit, will be prominently displayed in the cafeterias to encourage students to make healthy choices.

Food pricing strategies and food marketing programs will be designed and used to encourage students to purchase nutritious meals. This may include meeting with student or parent groups, taste tests, food panels and other informational programs regarding nutrition and how it coincides with the school meal program. Other promotions may include posters and signage, and highlighting healthy items on the menu during morning announcements. Periodically, students may also take part in food demonstrations and/or tastings to ensure flavor/taste appeal for new, nutritious meal options.

Students are encouraged to start each day with a healthy breakfast. All schools within the district will provide breakfast through the USDA School Breakfast Program. 

The district’s use of a point of sale program shall protect the overt identification of all students and store free and reduced eligibility status in a confidential manner. 

All school meals will feature a variety of age-appropriate healthy choices that are tasty, attractive, and of high quality. School meals will be prepared in a way that maximizes nutrient density and reduces fat and sodium. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to support a healthy school environment by providing a variety of nutritious foods if meals or snacks are sent from the home.

All food and nutrition services staff members will complete annual training in accordance with USDA Professional Standards.  Information about the Massachusetts School Nutrition Program can be found here and USDA’s National School Lunch program here.

The Franklin School Committee is committed to providing students with healthy, nutritious meals each day so they can focus on school work, while also maintaining the financial integrity of meal programs and minimizing any impact on students with meal charges. Families can access directions and applications for Free & Reduced on the district’s website and hard copies are available at each school.  Notices will be sent at the beginning of each year and posted in local newspapers.

Unpaid meal charges place a large financial burden on the school district, as food services is a self-supporting entity within the district. The School Committee will provide a regular (reimbursable) meal to students who forget or lose their lunch money. No student will ever be refused a meal due to inability to pay. Negative balances will not be discussed with students and will be discussed with parents/guardians only.

Students will have access to free, potable drinking water in each cafeteria during meal times and throughout the school day.

Competitive Foods:

Competitive foods are defined as foods and beverages sold or provided in:

1.   School cafeterias offered as a la carte items

2.   School buildings, including classrooms and hallways

3.   School stores

4.   School snack bars

5.   Vending machines (must comply 24 hours/day)

6.   Concession stands

7.   Booster sales

8.   Fundraising activities

9.   School-sponsored or school-related events

10. Any other location on school property 

Competitive foods, including “A la carte offerings” to students, shall be nutritious and comply with USDA school nutrition regulations as linked and footnoted below and Commonwealth of Massachusetts school nutrition regulations as linked and footnoted below . In cases where the USDA and Massachusetts school nutrition regulations differ, the stricter standard shall be required. A comparison is linked here and footnoted below. These regulations apply to “foods and beverages sold from midnight before to 30 minutes after the official school day.”

No food items can be brought into the classroom for distribution to the class. This includes birthday celebrations. Some alternatives to food may include stickers, pencils, a favorite game, etc. 

No foods and beverages containing caffeine shall be sold or served to students at school.

Organizations affiliated with the Franklin Public Schools and any other after-school events held on school grounds are required to follow these standards when foods/beverages are offered from midnight before until 30 minutes after the official school day ends. They are encouraged to also follow these standards when offering foods/beverages outside of the 30-minute time period.  Exemptions can be discussed with the school Principal on a case by case basis.

Nutrition Education:

Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of nutrition education learning experiences in their health education courses.  Nutrition education lessons are designed using instructional techniques and strategies to promote healthy eating. Nutrition education lessons are based on the most recent dietary guidelines for Americans developed by the USDA and are age-appropriate based on the Massachusetts Health Education Curriculum Framework Standards. In health education, students will gain an understanding of the following:

  • Nutrition knowledge: including but not limited to the benefits of healthy eating, essential nutrients, nutritional deficiencies, principles of healthy weight management, the use and misuse of dietary supplements and safe food preparation, handling, and storage.

  • Nutrition-related skills: including but not limited to planning a healthy meal, understanding and using food labels, and critically evaluating nutrition information and commercial food advertising.  Students will also assess their personal eating habits, set goals for improvement, and develop a plan to achieve those goals.

Health Education:

The Franklin Public Schools will strive to provide Health Education skills and concepts as part of the regular instructional program and will strive to provide the opportunity for all students to understand and practice concepts and skills related to health promotion and disease prevention. Nutrition education will also be integrated into other subjects as applicable and linked to the school food environment.  Nutrition education also addresses agriculture and the food system.

  • In grades K-10 an age-appropriate, comprehensive, and sequential skill-based health education program based upon state and national standards shall be implemented.

  • In grades K-5 units of study include: safety and injury prevention, interpersonal relationships, bullying and violence prevention, physical activity and fitness, nutrition, disease control and prevention, mental health, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, and growth and development.

  • In grades 6-10 units of study include all prior units and suicide prevention, , sexuality, consent and gender education.


Physical Education and Activity:

Physical education and activity is encouraged and courses shall be taught by a Massachusetts certified physical educator.  The physical education curriculum for grade K-12 is aligned with the state physical education standards.  Physical education and physical activity shall be an essential element of each school’s instructional program. The program shall provide the opportunity for all students to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to participate in a lifetime of healthful physical activity. Students will be provided a robust variety of physical education opportunities during the school day to support a wide range of interests and abilities which discourages students from substituting other school or community activities for physical education class time or credit in place of required physical education.  The opportunity to participate in physical education is not withheld from students as a punishment for misbehavior. Physical activity may not be assigned to students as a consequence of poor behavior or punishment for any reason. (Example: running laps or jogging around a playground).

Physical Education Program:

The physical education program shall be designed to highlight physical fitness and encourage healthy, active lifestyles. The physical education program shall consist of physical activities of at least moderate intensity and for a duration that is sufficient to provide a significant health benefit to students, subject to the differing abilities of students.

  • Participation in such physical activity shall be required for all students in kindergarten through grade five.  Average recommended minutes shall approximate 35 minutes  no less than once per week.

  • Instruction will be provided for grades 6-8 through formal physical education courses, integration into other courses, regularly scheduled intramural activities, and/or regularly scheduled school-wide activities.  Average recommended minutes shall approximate 70 minutes per week.

  • Franklin High School shall require four years of Physical Education/Health for graduation.

  • Students shall be supported in setting and striving towards personal fitness goals that result in the achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

  • Schools may not allow students to be exempt from required physical education class time or credit, unless exemptions are due to disability, religious, or medical reasons.

Additional Physical Activity Programs:

The Franklin Public Schools supports and encourages physical activity and movement for all students and community members in addition to the physical education programs offered to Franklin Public School students during the school day.

  • Recommended schools provide at least 20 minutes of active daily recess to all elementary students. 

  • Physical activity opportunities may include families and community members where appropriate (e.g. 5k walks, runs, events)

  • General education teachers should provide students with physical activity breaks when possible.

  • Schools shall partner with Franklin Lifelong Learning Institute to provide physical activity opportunities for community members at the school.

  • Schools should promote walking and biking to school. This could include partnerships with local government and community-based agencies (e.g. Safe Routes to Schools Program).

Healthy and Safe Environment:

A healthy and safe environment for all, before, during, and after school supports academic success.  Safe communities promote healthier students. Healthier students do better in school and make greater contributions to their community.

  • School and district offices shall maintain an environment that is free of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

  • Safety procedures and appropriate training for students and staff shall support personal safety and violence and harassment-free environments.

  • Each worksite, school, and classroom shall work to create an environment where students, parents/guardians, and staff are respected, valued, and accepted with high expectations for personal behavior and accomplishments.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL):

The Franklin Public Schools utilizes a multi-tier system of supports to provide high quality, evidence-based instruction and interventions in the core competencies of SEL including: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision -Making, Social Awareness, and Relationship Skills.

The District’s approach to implementing SEL includes:

  • Programming to develop positive, equitable, and inclusive school climates and cultures

  • Direct instruction for SEL skill acquisition integrated in both unit and lesson plans for all classes. 

  • Appropriate integration of SEL strategies into academic work, and extracurricular activities

  • Universal and Targeted interventions designed to support students in acquiring skills.

The Franklin Public Schools offer a variety of curricular and non-curricular programs to help all students acquire SEL skills. At the elementary level, these include but are not limited to: Responsive Classroom, SEL Lessons, and our district-wide health and physical education program. At the middle school, students participate in Responsive Classroom, and at the secondary level, all students participate in advisory programming as well as developmental guidance, SEL lessons, Responsive Classroom, and district-wide health and physical education program. Additionally, secondary schools offer a variety of clubs and activities.

Staff Wellness

The district desires to provide programs promoting healthy eating and physical activity for district staff including activities, programs and health and wellness classes.

Advertising on School Property

  • Schools will attempt to limit advertising of unhealthy products in school publications. All ads should be approved by the principal before being printed or included on the school website.

  • Busses, building exteriors, scoreboards, etc. on and around school property shall be free of brands and illustrations of unhealthy foods.

  • The advertising of foods and beverages that are not available for sale in district schools will not be advertised on any school property.

  • Advertising of any brand on containers used to serve food or in areas where food is purchased is prohibited.

  • When selecting educational materials for the classroom, every effort will be made to select materials free of brand names/logos and illustrations of unhealthy foods.

  • Schools shall avoid participation in programs (fundraising or corporate incentives) that promote a message inconsistent with our goals for a healthy school community.

  • Given concerns about student exposure to marketing, district schools will not participate in incentive programs that promote brands or provide children with free or discounted foods or beverages.

  • PCCs are encouraged to research and implement fundraising opportunities for healthy foods and beverages.

School Wellness Advisory Committee:

The Superintendent will establish and maintain a district-wide School Wellness Advisory Committee (SWAC). The purpose of this committee will be to recommend, review, and help implement school district policies addressing school nutrition, nutrition education, physical activity, and related issues that affect student health. In addition, the SWAC shall encourage the development of a program that actively promotes wellness in schools and maximizes the school district’s opportunities for grant awards.

The Superintendent or designee shall appoint committee members, including a designee to serve as a liaison between the committee and the Superintendent, and ensure the active functioning of the committee. The composition of the SWAC shall include school nurses, school nutrition and physical activity staff, community agencies serving youth, parents/guardians, students, administrators, and school committee members. The SWAC shall meet at least four times a year and minutes from meetings shall be kept in the Superintendent’s office.

The SWAC shall develop and implement an Annual Improvement Plan that:

  • Includes attention to nutrition, physical activity, and obesity

  • Has measurable, observable goals and objectives for the coming year to promote student wellness

  • Explains how the SWAC will work with the district and school personnel to achieve its goals and objectives

  • Includes recommendations concerning school-level wellness teams and initiatives

  • Includes a process of monitoring and evaluating progress in reaching goals and objectives

The SWAC shall submit an annual report to the Superintendent and School  Committee, indicating the progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of that year’s annual plan. Such a report may then be distributed to other interested parties and groups as the School Committee sees fit.


The Principal or their designee will be assigned to ensure compliance with standards of this Wellness Policy in their school. The Director of School Food Services will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within the school food service areas.

The SWAC will conduct an ongoing assessment of the wellness program every three years to help review policy compliance, assess progress, and determine areas of improvement. The district will, as necessary, revise the Wellness Policy (ADF) and develop work plans to facilitate its implementation.

Legal References:

  • Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010; MGL 223 Ch. 111, 105 CMR 215.00; 42 U.S.C. 11751 (Pub.L. 108-265, Title II and 204, June 30, 2004 118 Stat. 78.0;

  • The Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans Act of 1994, P.L. 103-448, Section 9(b)(2)(C0 of the National School Lunch Act (NSLA) 42 U.S.C.

  • 1751. CFR Part 210 National School Lunch Program.

Cross Reference: School Committee Policy JLCDD

School Committee Policy EFD

School Committee Policy KCDB - School-Based Advertisin

Reviewed; Revised; Adopted: 2/26/2013

Reviewed; Revised: 12/11/2014

Reviewed, Revised; Adopted: 3/22/2018

Reviewed; Revised; Adopted:  5/24/22