Mission/Vision Statement

kid playing with toys

ECDC Core Values:

ECDC gives me wings to fly..... I am kind!  I include others!  I am a curious learner!  I never give up!

Our ECDC Mision:

  • At ECDC we celebrate our diversity and strive to foster inclusiveness and acceptance so that everyone feels welcome in our community.

  • At ECDC we cultivate a joy of learning through play, discovery and active exploration.

  • At ECDC we create a nurturing, warm environment that encourages and extends kindness to all.

  • At ECDC we provide a safe space that is conducive to meanigful learning where students can feed and develop their sense of wonder and curiosity.

  • At ECDC we reinforce a growth mindset which promotes persistence and resilience where students are              encouraged to see challenges as an opportunity to grow and learn.