Frequently Asked Questions
This program is for both students and parents. If you would like to sign up, please contact the main office at (508) 541-6230. This is a great way to keep informed about grades, etc.
If you need your student’s Aspen account reset, please contact the main office and provide the student’s name.
In order for a student to be dismissed, written notification stating the time of dismissal must be presented to the main office prior to the beginning of the first class of the day. We will ensure they are in the main lobby — this allows us not to disturb the teacher and their classroom.
For your child's safety and protection, a student will be released only to a parent/guardian or person designated in writing by parent/guardian. A parent/guardian or designated person picking up the student will be required to sign out a student prior to the student leaving the building.
Under no circumstances should students be calling on their cell phones or school phones to have themselves dismissed from school.
If there is a health issue, all calls relative to dismissal should come from the school nurse. If you receive a call from the nurse, please check in with the main office. You can then go to the nurse’s office to pick up your child.
If there is an emergency and you would like to have your child dismissed, please call us at the main office at (508) 541-6230.
Excused Absences/Tardies/Dismissals:
We can only accept notes from doctor’s, orthodontist’s, dentist’s and schools your child may be visiting. Your student can bring them into the main office, or it can be emailed, or faxed to (508) 541-7071.
List of excused absences:
Family bereavement or serious illness in the family;
School approved field trips;
Observance of major religious holidays;
Legal (with documentation from the court or lawyer);
Medical excuse (with date specific medical documentation);
Absences due to illness or doctor appointments (documentation must be provided by a physician in order for absent day to be excused);
Absences on the day following dismissal by the school nurse.
Phone/Email Changes:
Any changes in phone numbers or emails, please send to the main office so we may make all the necessary updates. If you have an address change, you must go to district central office and show proof of residency.
Messages to Students:
If you need to get a message to a student, please call or email the office. The morning is the best time. We like to deliver messages during lunch so not to interrupt the teacher’s and their classrooms. Of course, you can call or email anytime and we will gladly get that message to your student.
School Start Time:
School starts at 7:25 am. All students must be in their seats by that time or they will be marked tardy. Students can enter the building at 7:00 am.